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NEAR Protocol is a public blockchain and smart contract platform built to host high-throughput decentralized applications. It uses an sharding to scale the network and improve the overall user experience. NEAR, of the same name, is the native currency that holders can use to pay the costs associated with deploying applications or submitting transactions. The NEAR token also plays a central role in the platform's Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism, where participants can stake tokens on the network to increase its cost of attack. Similar to Ethereum, the concept of gas is also used to pay for computation and mitigate spam. Accounts also pay storage rent which accumulates over time and is charged once the account submits a transaction for processing. Storage rent is charged for data and also as a tax on short account names to discourage name squatting.

In a block, transactions are split into chunks, one chunk per shard. A block is the accumulation of all chunks. Chunks are validated by nodes that maintain the state of that shard. Each logical block will theoretically contain all transactions for all shards. Each network participant maintains the state that corresponds to the shards that they validate transactions for and any additional shard that they want to track, since transmitting a logical block across the network would be expensive.

For consensus, once a block producer publishes a block, they collect the signatures of the validator nodes, then the weight of a block is determined by the cumulative stake of all the signers whose signatures are included in the block. Thus, consensus is based on the heaviest chain, as the weight of a chain is the sum of the block weights. Additionally, the consensus utilizes the Nightshade Finality Gadget, which introduces additional slashing conditions for higher chain security.

Block Explorer:

Addresses: Uses readable account IDs instead of a hash of a public key. Account IDs contain a minimum length of 2 with maximum length of 64. Account ID consists of Account ID parts separated by "." and each part consists of lowercase alphanumeric symbols separated by either _ or -. Example: app.ayobuenavista

Consensus: Sharded Proof-of-Stake with blocks constructed with a gadget called Doomslug and a slower finality gadget called Nightshade Finality Gadget.

NEAR Supply: No hard cap on the total supply.

Smart Contracts: Contracts compile down to WebAssembly (.wasm), which is a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine, that are run on a WebAssembly virtual machine. You can therefore use any language that can compile to wasm, but the recommended to use is Rust.

Example contract code:

* Fungible Token implementation with JSON serialization.
*  - The maximum balance value is limited by U128 (2**128 - 1).
*  - JSON calls should pass U128 as a base-10 string. E.g. "100".
*  - The contract optimizes the inner trie structure by hashing account IDs. It will prevent some
*    abuse of deep tries. Shouldn't be an issue, once NEAR clients implement full hashing of keys.
*  - This contract doesn't optimize the amount of storage, since any account can create unlimited
*    amount of allowances to other accounts. It's unclear how to address this issue unless, this
*    contract limits the total number of different allowances possible at the same time.
*    And even if it limits the total number, it's still possible to transfer small amounts to
*    multiple accounts.
use borsh::{BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize};
use near_sdk::collections::Map;
use near_sdk::json_types::U128;
use near_sdk::{env, near_bindgen, AccountId, Balance};

static ALLOC: wee_alloc::WeeAlloc = wee_alloc::WeeAlloc::INIT;

/// Contains balance and allowances information for one account.
#[derive(BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)]
pub struct Account {
    /// Current account balance.
    pub balance: Balance,
    /// Escrow Account ID hash to the allowance amount.
    /// Allowance is the amount of tokens the Escrow Account ID can spent on behalf of the account
    /// owner.
    pub allowances: Map<Vec<u8>, Balance>,

impl Account {
    /// Initializes a new Account with 0 balance and no allowances for a given `account_hash`.
    pub fn new(account_hash: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
        Self {
            balance: 0,
            allowances: Map::new(account_hash),

    /// Sets allowance for account `escrow_account_id` to `allowance`.
    pub fn set_allowance(&mut self, escrow_account_id: &AccountId, allowance: Balance) {
        let escrow_hash = env::sha256(escrow_account_id.as_bytes());
        if allowance > 0 {
            self.allowances.insert(&escrow_hash, &allowance);
        } else {

    /// Returns the allowance of account `escrow_account_id`.
    pub fn get_allowance(&self, escrow_account_id: &AccountId) -> Balance {
        let escrow_hash = env::sha256(escrow_account_id.as_bytes());

#[derive(BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)]
pub struct FungibleToken {
    /// sha256(AccountID) -> Account details.
    pub accounts: Map<Vec<u8>, Account>,

    /// Total supply of the all token.
    pub total_supply: Balance,

impl Default for FungibleToken {
    fn default() -> Self {
        panic!("Fun token should be initialized before usage")

impl FungibleToken {
    /// Initializes the contract with the given total supply owned by the given `owner_id`.
    pub fn new(owner_id: AccountId, total_supply: U128) -> Self {
        let total_supply = total_supply.into();
        assert!(env::state_read::<Self>().is_none(), "Already initialized");
        let mut ft = Self {
            accounts: Map::new(b"a".to_vec()),
        let mut account = ft.get_account(&owner_id);
        account.balance = total_supply;
        ft.set_account(&owner_id, &account);

    /// Sets the `allowance` for `escrow_account_id` on the account of the caller of this contract
    /// (`predecessor_id`) who is the balance owner.
    pub fn set_allowance(&mut self, escrow_account_id: AccountId, allowance: U128) {
        let allowance = allowance.into();
        let owner_id = env::predecessor_account_id();
        if escrow_account_id == owner_id {
            env::panic(b"Can't set allowance for yourself");
        let mut account = self.get_account(&owner_id);

        account.set_allowance(&escrow_account_id, allowance);
        self.set_account(&owner_id, &account);

    /// Transfers the `amount` of tokens from `owner_id` to the `new_owner_id`.
    /// Requirements:
    /// * `amount` should be a positive integer.
    /// * `owner_id` should have balance on the account greater or equal than the transfer `amount`.
    /// * If this function is called by an escrow account (`owner_id != predecessor_account_id`),
    ///   then the allowance of the caller of the function (`predecessor_account_id`) on
    ///   the account of `owner_id` should be greater or equal than the transfer `amount`.
    pub fn transfer_from(&mut self, owner_id: AccountId, new_owner_id: AccountId, amount: U128) {
        let amount = amount.into();
        if amount == 0 {
            env::panic(b"Can't transfer 0 tokens");
        // Retrieving the account from the state.
        let mut account = self.get_account(&owner_id);

        // Checking and updating unlocked balance
        if account.balance < amount {
            env::panic(b"Not enough balance");
        account.balance -= amount;

        // If transferring by escrow, need to check and update allowance.
        let escrow_account_id = env::predecessor_account_id();
        if escrow_account_id != owner_id {
            let allowance = account.get_allowance(&escrow_account_id);
            if allowance < amount {
                env::panic(b"Not enough allowance");
            account.set_allowance(&escrow_account_id, allowance - amount);

        // Saving the account back to the state.
        self.set_account(&owner_id, &account);

        // Deposit amount to the new owner and save the new account to the state.
        let mut new_account = self.get_account(&new_owner_id);
        new_account.balance += amount;
        self.set_account(&new_owner_id, &new_account);

    /// Transfer `amount` of tokens from the caller of the contract (`predecessor_id`) to
    /// `new_owner_id`.
    /// Act the same was as `transfer_from` with `owner_id` equal to the caller of the contract
    /// (`predecessor_id`).
    pub fn transfer(&mut self, new_owner_id: AccountId, amount: U128) {
        self.transfer_from(env::predecessor_account_id(), new_owner_id, amount);

    /// Returns total supply of tokens.
    pub fn get_total_supply(&self) -> U128 {

    /// Returns balance of the `owner_id` account.
    pub fn get_balance(&self, owner_id: AccountId) -> U128 {

    /// Returns current allowance of `escrow_account_id` for the account of `owner_id`.
    /// NOTE: Other contracts should not rely on this information, because by the moment a contract
    /// receives this information, the allowance may already be changed by the owner.
    /// So this method should only be used on the front-end to see the current allowance.
    pub fn get_allowance(&self, owner_id: AccountId, escrow_account_id: AccountId) -> U128 {

impl FungibleToken {
    /// Helper method to get the account details for `owner_id`.
    fn get_account(&self, owner_id: &AccountId) -> Account {
        let account_hash = env::sha256(owner_id.as_bytes());
            .unwrap_or_else(|| Account::new(account_hash))

    /// Helper method to set the account details for `owner_id` to the state.
    fn set_account(&mut self, owner_id: &AccountId, account: &Account) {
        let account_hash = env::sha256(owner_id.as_bytes());
        self.accounts.insert(&account_hash, &account);

#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
mod tests {
    use near_sdk::MockedBlockchain;
    use near_sdk::{testing_env, VMContext};

    use super::*;

    fn alice() -> AccountId {
    fn bob() -> AccountId {
    fn carol() -> AccountId {

    fn catch_unwind_silent<F: FnOnce() -> R + std::panic::UnwindSafe, R>(
        f: F,
    ) -> std::thread::Result<R> {
        let prev_hook = std::panic::take_hook();
        std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(|_| {}));
        let result = std::panic::catch_unwind(f);

    fn get_context(predecessor_account_id: AccountId) -> VMContext {
        VMContext {
            current_account_id: alice(),
            signer_account_id: bob(),
            signer_account_pk: vec![0, 1, 2],
            input: vec![],
            block_index: 0,
            block_timestamp: 0,
            account_balance: 0,
            account_locked_balance: 0,
            storage_usage: 10u64.pow(6),
            attached_deposit: 0,
            prepaid_gas: 10u64.pow(18),
            random_seed: vec![0, 1, 2],
            is_view: false,
            output_data_receivers: vec![],
            epoch_height: 0,

    fn test_new() {
        let context = get_context(carol());
        let total_supply = 1_000_000_000_000_000u128;
        let contract = FungibleToken::new(bob(), total_supply.into());
        assert_eq!(contract.get_total_supply().0, total_supply);
        assert_eq!(contract.get_balance(bob()).0, total_supply);

    fn test_transfer() {
        let context = get_context(carol());
        let total_supply = 1_000_000_000_000_000u128;
        let mut contract = FungibleToken::new(carol(), total_supply.into());
        let transfer_amount = total_supply / 3;
        contract.transfer(bob(), transfer_amount.into());
            (total_supply - transfer_amount)
        assert_eq!(contract.get_balance(bob()).0, transfer_amount);

    fn test_self_allowance_fail() {
        let context = get_context(carol());
        let total_supply = 1_000_000_000_000_000u128;
        let mut contract = FungibleToken::new(carol(), total_supply.into());
        catch_unwind_silent(move || {
            contract.set_allowance(carol(), (total_supply / 2).into());

    fn test_carol_escrows_to_bob_transfers_to_alice() {
        // Acting as carol
        let total_supply = 1_000_000_000_000_000u128;
        let mut contract = FungibleToken::new(carol(), total_supply.into());
        assert_eq!(contract.get_total_supply().0, total_supply);
        let allowance = total_supply / 3;
        let transfer_amount = allowance / 3;
        contract.set_allowance(bob(), allowance.into());
        assert_eq!(contract.get_allowance(carol(), bob()).0, allowance);
        // Acting as bob now
        contract.transfer_from(carol(), alice(), transfer_amount.into());
            total_supply - transfer_amount
        assert_eq!(contract.get_balance(alice()).0, transfer_amount);
            contract.get_allowance(carol(), bob()).0,
            allowance - transfer_amount