The Polkadot Telegram Query Bot is a Telegram bot that queries and returns data to users from Polkadot and other Substrate-based chains. Users can interact with this by sending them command messages in private or group chats.
Built as part of the Build Polkadot bounty challenges, sponsored by the Web3 Foundation, under the Build Polkadot Challenge 2: User Tools category.
Technologies Used
Deployed Test Version
A live version of the bot is running. Search for @polkadot_query_bot in Telegram.
Launching the Bot
To launch your own instance of the bot:
1) Clone the polkadot-telegram-query-bot
$ git clone git@github.com:ayobuenavista/polkadot-telegram-query-bot.git
2) Install the required NPM packages.
$ npm install
3) Obtain a Telegram bot token using Telegram's BotFather. You can find a detailed guide on that here.
4) Create an .env file in the root directory, containing your Telegram bot token. Note: Omit the bot
prefix in the Telegram token.
5) Edit the node
URIs in ./src/config/default.json
to add in your node or node provider, or you can leave the current definitions as is. At the moment, only Polkadot and Kusama are supported.
To run in development mode (restarts at every file change)
npm run dev
To run in production mode
npm run start
You should see something like:
Bot Commands
Send the following commands directly to the bot or in a group where the bot is present.
Note: if no chain is passed, Polkadot queried as default.
Returns the balance of an account
/balance <accountId> <optional: chain>
Returns the block info at the provided height
/blockInfo <height> <optional: chain>
Returns basic information of the Substrate chain
/chainInfo <optional: chain>
Returns council information
/councilInfo <optional: chain>
Returns democracy information
/democracyInfo <optional: chain>
Returns elections information
/electionsInfo <optional: chain>
Returns the number of validators waiting to validate
/intentionCount <optional: chain>
Returns a range of validators that indicate their intention to validate (e.g. range: 0-10)
/intentions <range> <optional: chain>
Returns the latest block information
/latestBlock <optional: chain>
Returns the information of a proposal by providing the proposal hash
/proposalInfo <hash> <optional: chain>
Returns the list of proposals
/proposals <optional: chain>
Returns the runtime constant values
/runtimeConstants <optional: chain>
Returns the staking information
/stakingInfo <optional: chain>
Returns the sudo key accountId
/sudoKey <optional: chain>
Returns the technical committee information
/techComm <optional: chain>
Returns the information of a technical committee proposal by providing the proposal hash
/techCommProposalInfo <hash> <optional: chain>
Returns the list of technical committee proposals
/techCommProposals <optional: chain>
Returns the number of active validators
/validatorCount <optional: chain>
Returns a range of active validators (e.g. range: 0-10)
/validators <range> <optional: chain>
To get balance information of an account:
To get the first 5 active validators in Kusama:
Get the chain information in Polkadot:
Get the council information in Kusama:
Other Notes
It was difficult to find a list of public node providers. Thankfully, https://polkadot.js.org/apps returns a list of public node endpoints in the node selection
screen. When clicking custom endpoint
, you can see the WebSocket URI of the currently selected endpoint.